Biggest Apple Watch Competitors

The Apple watch is often considered the king of smartwatches. It has been on the market since early 2015, and since then, it has truly set the standard for what a smartwatch is supposed to be. Even non-Apple fans are often forced to admit that the company got it right with this wrist device. Over time, the now-iconic Apple watch has evolved from what many once considered useless money grab to an essential piece of technology for many people. The…

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WP Buffs is the right choice for a WordPress maintenance provider!

Having a successful WordPress website is an excellent achievement for any person who has an online presence. However, simply having a WordPress site is only a fraction of what you need to do. It is essential to select a great WordPress maintenance company to ensure continued success. This is because things could go wrong with your site at any time, and not having a trusted company to help could be detrimental in many ways. This is because a WordPress management…

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The World’s Most Popular WordPress Theme Plugins

There are many great WordPress themes out there for users to choose from. Some of them are great, some not so much. One way to judge is by reputation, directly related to longtime and established popularity. So, which are the World’s Most Popular WordPress Theme Plugins? First, let us run you through the three most popular WordPress Theme Plugins around. They are not only highly reliable, but they also happen to be the three most popular WordPress themes. They are…

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How to Sell Gardening Tools Online Successfully

Gardening tools, from trowels and hoses to seeds and compost, are in high demand. After the COVID pandemic, many families have found that spending time outdoors and discovering peace in nature is very important! So, as you’d expect, more and more people want to improve their gardens into beautiful outdoor spaces. Here’s the problem people are facing – they don’t want to risk going to their nearest gardening centre where there might be a crowd. Luckily, this is where you…

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What is a digital real estate agency?

The business world has been constantly evolving through time, keeping up with the advancements in technology.  This is also true for real estate businesses. Digital methods and innovations made its market grow even more, thus paving the way for digitalized real estate to emerge. Digital Real Estate Defined Simply put, digital real estate is still a type of property investment. The only difference is that you are making transactions online, but you can still let the property you bought increase…

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The Connection Between Psychology And Good UX Design

Psychology is the study of the mind. If you can determine what your target customer is thinking, they are more likely to buy your product or service. Psychology can also be used to help steer and guide visitors through your application or web page. By creating a connection between psychology and good UX design, you will have a better understanding of emotions, goals, and why people behave like they do. In this article, we want to explore the link between…

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Why Mobile App Testing is Important for Application Development

Across the world, both solo entrepreneurs and large companies are moving into mobile application development. Consumers continue to put an emphasis on both convenience and how easy it is to navigate the application. With the rise of new mobile applications tied into wearable fitness monitors and VR/AR development, this growing trend to produce for mobile will continue. Why is mobile app testing so important for application development? Companies want to tap into new demographics and make the buying process easier,…

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How to create a mobile app for your WordPress website without coding

WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Services and the first choice of many online businesses, brands, and even individuals. It is highly customizable and easy to use. However, just having a website is not enough in the age where smartphones are ruling the world. Take the eCommerce space as an example. Over 85% of shoppers online prefer mobile apps over websites. It has become almost mandatory to complement every website with an equally competent mobile app. If…

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How to Create a Lightbox Contact Form in HTML

Do you want to know how to create a lightbot contact form in HTML? If so, then you come to the right place. Using a lightbox contact form increases the chance of getting more leads and clients by making it easier to keep in touch with you over the net. In this guide, we will show you how to create a lightbox contact form in HTML.  What is a Lightbox Contact Form?  A lightbox contact form is a window overlay,…

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What is the funnel of Facebook marketing?

If you are thinking of starting a campaign to promote a product or service, you must be clear about the main objective and the sales process that you want users to experience; and this can be established through a Facebook marketing funnel. But what is a Facebook Funnel? It is a process that allows you to define the path that a person must travel from when they first see your products until they make their purchase decision, and they become…

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