Using CSS to change the size of background images

Background images are an essential component of web design, and they have a significant impact on the way your website appears and functions as a whole. On the other hand, not all backdrop images are made equally. Some are quite a little larger than others, and some can even be too little for their intended purpose. You also have the ability to effortlessly adjust the size of your background image without it having any impact on the rest of your website. In this post, we’ll take a deeper look at how to adjust the size of a background image on your website using CSS. Specifically, we’ll look at how to change the width of the image.

How to Use CSS to Change the Size of Background Images.
No matter if you have a big e-commerce website or a small content website with funny birthday memes you can always use CSS to change the size of Background Images.
If you want to change the size of an image, you first need to find the image’s dimensions. To do this, use the file browser on your computer and type in the following information:



Then, use the CSS property to change the image’s width and height. The following example changes the width and height of an img tag to 100% and 50%, respectively:

img { width: 100%; height: 50%; }

How to Change the Width and Height of an Image

You can also change an image’s width and height using absolute values or relative values. Relative values are used when setting an image’s size based on a certain location in a document or another object. For example, if you want to set an image’s size to be equal across all pages of a website, you would use a relative value like this: img { “width”: “100%” } . You can also set images size directly using pixels rather than letters: img { “width”: 120px; “height”: 80px } . However, absolute values are more commonly used because they allow for more precision in setting sizes. For example, if you want to set an image’s size at 100% no matter where it is in a document or elsewhere in the world, you would use absolute values like this: img { “width”: 100; “height”: 100;} . Absolute values cannot be changed using css; they must be set using file Browser.

How to Change the Background of an Image

You can also change an image’s background using CSS without changing its width or height. To do this, add background-image=”url” inside of an img tag like this:

img { /* … other properties here */ } body { background-image: url(“”).png; }

The background-image property sets the image as a PNG file that will be displayed in the body of the document.

How to Use CSS to Change the Image Size.

To change the width and height of an image, use the following code:

.image-small { width: 100%; }

.image-sm { width: 150px; }

.image-md { width: 200px;}

.image-lg { width: 300px;}

How to Change the Size of an Image

To change the size of an image, use the following code:

.image-small img { height: 100%; } .image-sm img { height: 150px; } .image-md img { height: 200px;} .image-lg img {height: 300px;}

How to Change the Background of an Image

To change the background of an image, use the following code:

img1 span, #img2 span, #img3 span{ color:#fff; background:#ededed; }

If you want to change the background of an image using more than one color, use the following code:

img1 span{ background-color:#fff; } #img2 span{background-color:#ebebeb;} #img3 span{background-color:#ffffff;}

How to Change the Image Size.

To change the image size, use the width or height property on an image. The width property specifies the size of the image in pixels, and the height property specifies the size of the image in bytes.

To change the width and height of an image, use these values:

Width: 800px

Height: 600px

The following code changes the width and height of an image to 800px and 600px, respectively.

Read also: How To Change Background Image Opacity With CSS


Changing an image size can improve the visibility and ranking of your website. Use CSS to change the image size so that your products look better on different devices. By changing the image size, you can optimize your site for search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, changing the image size can add some extra elements to your product listing, making it more appealing to customers. Be sure to test out your changes before you go live, as errors in your CSS code can lead to lost traffic and decreased rankings.